Saturday, December 22, 2007


Lord And Master

The Lord High Chicken wishes all of his adoring subjects a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Or... at least he will in a minute.

As soon as he's worked out what that squirrel's up to. And whether it's worth going after it......

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Let Me Give You My Number....

Luteus is, of course, microchipped. But, along with a bell and the magnetic tag for his cat flap, he also has a name & address cylinder attached to his collar. Yes, it means he jingles dramatically when he walks but it's easy to hear him coming and it's a sort of feline bling.

At least, he should have an address cylinder attached to his collar. However, in the last couple of months, he's managed to lose three of them. And it's not like they're just falling off - no, the bottom half of the barrel has apparently come unscrewed and separated from the top half, which is still clipped onto his collar.

How is this happening? No idea. It's not like they're especially easy to unscrew. The only possible solution is that he's taking them off himself and handing them out to all the other cats in the neighbourhood with gleeful abandon.

He doesn't know we're onto him. But we are.

Oh yes.


I'm on Ur Footon

.... having a bath.....

... and having a yawn.

My life is, like, so hard.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Rain Stops Play

Do cats get sore throats?

I only ask, because after getting drenched in the rain three times today (and coming in each time demanding warm milk, attention and a towel-drying, whilst leaving a trail of muddy pawprints across the floor) he's Been Kept In.

And he's not happy.

Something he's verbalising by following the cruel owner who has imprisoned him around the house and mewing piteously.

Maybe he'll tire himself out?

Monday, October 08, 2007



That is all.

Sunday, September 30, 2007



If anyone asks.....

... you ain't see me.



The Only Way Is Up

So, what's up there then?

No, really. What is up there?

We didn't have the heart to tell him it was only a box with some badminton rackets and a frisbee. He'd have been so disappointed....

Friday, July 27, 2007


Poorly Boy

He's done it again: he's only gone and injured himself, somehow.

This time, it seems to be some scratches, a sore foot and a painful eye - presumably he's got that scratched too. So the poor thing is once more confined to quarters until he's a bit better, and has spent most of the day curled up in his bed feeling sorry for himself. Presumably, he's fallen out of a tree, got into a fight or done whatever it is cats do to themselves when they think no-one's looking.

Not that it's all bad: he's managed to con The Female Owner into spoon-feeding him some warm milk. After which, he deigned to purr a bit and then promptly went back to sleep.....


Whose Bed? My Bed.

Specifically cat-dedicated beds in the house: 2

Sofas, cushions, chairs and other available sleeping places: ooh, at least 20.

Stopping owner from getting into bed and being able to stretch out: priceless.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


O Rly?

Currently keeping Himself entertained, the LOLcats website.

This, for future reference, is his happy face.

No, really. It is.

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